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James Driskill <>

Fwd: USATODAY.COM: Real Deal Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction : [ In 2020, anything's possible. New government intelligence might prove alien life is, too.] : A lesson -- no longer offered -- a true piece of shit gets flushed down the toilet - never to be seen again!
1 message

@GRUWUP.NET <>Sat, Sep 12, 2020 at 4:14 AM
To: James Driskill <>

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: @GRUWUP.NET <>
Date: Sat, Sep 12, 2020 at 12:47 AM
Subject: Fwd: USATODAY.COM: Real Deal Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction : [ In 2020, anything's possible. New government intelligence might prove alien life is, too.] : A lesson -- no longer offered -- a true piece of shit gets flushed down the toilet - never to be seen again!
To: <>, <>
Cc: Rick McMinn - Goverment Code Enforcement <>, <>

QR-San Bernardino County Superior Court - Judge Wilfred John Schneider Jr - Story Plight From Hate.png

I am quite SHOCKED [ not at the news of this crossing ] that you have REFUSED to be the RESOURCE of WELLNESS on my part of why I continue to pay member services -- and you all don't give me the peace of mind that you indeed do not have backroom deals in all of the special interests in this power struggles of what is REAL LIFE HUMANITY EVENTS PASSING, and the NEED to REQUIRE THE INTEGRITY BACK IN TRUST - So that the TRUTH can indeed be UNCONDITIONALLY RETURNED into a BALANCED #SocialTrust path of COLLECTIVE HUMAN and ALIEN Welcoming.

I deserve, considering I am a paid member for a long time now.  Needed it when the contacts of the community go out of control on me -- and ATTACK ME in the SWELLING UPROOTED REALITY of #GangStalking.

Take all of the credit for this site --- if I denounce and remove my membership for reasons I am not being treated with --- baseline equality -- the equation that puts you in power -- will be the same strength that pulls you down out of it -- and there will be no drowning a new successful latter to climb.

This email is on par with the continued unrest happening across this nation.

So far, I can't seem to wake the giant behind the scenes -- I guarantee you all at Truthfinder -- the clash I am currently having with the GOVERNMENT in a RECKONING is holding on to a real boiler scolding for the videos posted on my account, in mere weeks has the highest trending watch points.

Baffling why -- because I really don't want these videos to have been put into this mix -- they represent the worst of all of this in human mindsets,
cannot fathom their hurt continued on - hanging on to this hate scheme -- that keeps the #Gangstalkng hidden and we continue this erosion of our selves of human worthiness - to worthlessness -- it is gonna be that which we are judged on --- The City of San Bernardino -- Police and the District Attorney's office, and social services connectives --- all have created the digital footprints of evidence marking the actors having acted against my rights --- to the grand scale of actual proveable conspiracy --- to be perhaps sought in court arguments of U.S. Code Title 18, Section 241 - Conspiracy of Rights and U.S. Code Title 18, Section 242 - Color of Law Conspirators 

Just in time for the real world to see real truth - April 6th 2020 Publication on,

All of the aspects of the interwoven causes and affects on my life -- MUST BE BROUGHT UP INTO FOCUS and WORKED ON -- TO BE AMENDED AND FIXED!


Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Apr; 17(7): 2506.
Published online 2020 Apr 6. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17072506
PMCID: PMC7178134
PMID: 32268595

The Phenomenology of Group Stalking (‘Gang-Stalking’): A Content Analysis of Subjective Experiences

Keywords: phenomenology, stalking, gang-stalking, group stalking, prevalence, psychological sequelae

Excerpted Introductions Here:

Despite the experience of gang-stalking being so widely reported and the evidence of its harmful effects on individuals and on society at large, there is a dearth of research into its nature and into the components that constitute the experience. Sheridan and James’ study [5] appears to be the only one to have investigated this central feature of this subject. As with most studies of victim experiences, their study was based upon questionnaire data from self-selected respondents. Whilst the questionnaire included free-text items for describing subjective experiences, its bulk text comprised a collection of information on specific pre-defined data points. Those concerning the types of intrusive behaviour and experiences that constitute stalking were taken from Spitzberg’s [22] meta-analysis, which extracted data for this part of his project from 43 studies. The focus of both the separate studies and of the meta-analysis was on the phenomenon of being stalked by a single individual. As such, Sheridan and James’ study in effect imposed a classification of phenomena on the questionnaire respondents and, as such, may potentially have excluded experiences amongst gang-stalked respondents that did not fit into the standard pattern reported by those stalked by individuals.

In order to overcome this problem, we decided to conduct a study of the experiences of those reporting gang-stalking that would allow the components of their experience to emerge de novo from their detailed accounts, rather being shoe-horned into a preconceived framework. This follows the phenomenological approach expounded by Mullen [23] in which subjective phenomena are approached through a descriptive phenomenology, free of the restraints of existing classification systems. The main aim of the study was to identify the phenomena that constitute the subjective experience of gang-stalking, free from assumptions based on the cases of those stalked by individuals. A second aim was to allow the emergence of the psychological and behavioural sequelae of gang stalking deemed most worthy of reporting by those describing their gang-stalking experiences, and which therefore were likely to be the most concerning to them. A subsidiary aim was to establish whether the experiences of the group selected for this study differed from those of the sample acquired by Sheridan and James [5] from a questionnaire survey, or whether the two were part of the same phenomenon.



3. Results

3.1. Length of Stalking

None of the writers of the narratives described their experiences as having ended. All 50 authors stated or implied that they had been gang stalked for lengthy periods of time (e.g., one mentioned being seen by seven psychologists during the period of being targeted, another described having been targeted whilst living in three different countries). The shortest case was described as having begun “in the last few months” and the longest as continuing for “more than 22 years”.

3.2. Reasons for the Gang-Stalking

The narratives were examined to establish whether the perceived reasons for being targeted by gang stalkers could be identified. Reasons were found in 20 of the 50 accounts. In all 20 cases, no named person was believed to be targeting the victim. Representative examples of the reasons given for the gang-stalking were as follows:

“Why? To drive people to meet-up groups or a psychiatrist so they can be medicated and/or get more federal grants for more mental health instead of training a real police force. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a big seller in the area.”

“It is a brainwashing military experiment. Post 9/11, they isolate certain people to stop them acting against government.”

QR-Play-Audio-To-Mike-iSocialCop-Bires-Not-Everyone-In-The-World-That-You-First-Encounter-Is-Out-To-Get-You_.png        QR-Community-Solutions-4-Peace-Building-Sergeant-Lanier-Joseph-Rogers-III.png


5. Conclusions

The experience of being gang-stalked appears to be a widespread phenomenon that has been subject to little scientific examination. The current study provides a preliminary description of the phenomena involved that was produced by a methodology that did not incorporate pre-conceived assumptions. This provides a foundation upon which further research could be built. It also serves to confirm the harmful effects of the gang-stalking experience upon sufferers, first set out in the only other study available [5]. These findings constitute a potent reason why gang-stalking should be regarded as an important subject for study.

Whilst it was important to adopt a methodology that allowed the phenomena constituting the experience of gang-stalking to emerge de novo, it would now be appropriate to conduct studies of cases based upon specific questions in order to gain a clearer idea of the proportion of sufferers who experience each category of phenomenon, as the main categories have now been elucidated and the core phenomena described. This is because higher proportions are likely to be elicited through direct questioning than were found by studying internet descriptions. Finally, whilst this study has described the core phenomena of the gang-stalking experience, the question remains as to whether gang-stalking is a single phenomenon or represents several overlapping phenomena, each with its own defining pattern of experiences.



The_Haters_ARE_NOT_going_to_be_ALLOWED_to_WIN_-_No_FuckedUpHuman_Net_Way_Block_Them_Out_of_Power_-_Every_Way_But_Loose_ (1).png

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: @GRUWUP.NET <>
Date: Fri, Sep 11, 2020 at 11:34 PM
Subject: USATODAY.COM: Real Deal Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction : [ In 2020, anything's possible. New government intelligence might prove alien life is, too.] : A lesson -- no longer offered -- a true piece of shit gets flushed down the toilet - never to be seen again!
To: <>, Rick McMinn - Goverment Code Enforcement <>, <>
Cc: Jim Whitescarver <>

I have some true essence - roadblocks to true working peace - what to do about these off the edge of reality secrets -the hater sourges of the town.. 

The "morality" of this equation Ms. Holmquist -- I am holding on, one of the most unique domain naming sets that represents the truth to ever exist on our planet.

Oue greater angels in our connective souls, knows that I am not disconnected from reality and that the dataset holding represents the best of holding - a truth not given its meaning --- individually as it affixed to a person -- a true piece of shit happens to be the image into persons like you Ms. Holmquist. Whren crashing for the next day, or the next day, or the next day, or the next day, or the next day, or the next day, day, day, day, day ,day, day, day, day, something it gonna go -- whoopsi daisy - back day, back day, you can't go back day. The time to have worked it right, the oportunity to be in the most real honest world we can create -- those on the outter circles who cannot find themselves to this better thinking world reality -- SWIPE THAT LIFE -- tHAT ONE GONE -- not deserving any redeeming qualities --- this recod of writing I know I hold -- you all are going to the HELL of all HELLS --because your really are so messed up int he mind to back burn anyone -- to keep your little bitty secret ---in a wold dyamic -- that secret is going to be you rfucked up human undoing -- SEE THE FUTURE NOW -- we cannot make it more the master of me -- than knowing the days from this point come faster and faster and faster to hyper-climax -- the encapsulated -- the future you were promised - dashed away-- you will think to yourself - "I dummy done fucked myself into the worst thing ever" --- I should have really listened to the creator of such name -- to have admitted -- yep -- he is the truth beraring to the world -- and I was the piece of shit he called it right on the mark -- I done fucked up! 


In 2020, anything's possible. New government intelligence might prove alien life is, too.

And let’s face it, if they’re coming, 2020 is the perfect year for them to arrive, since it has piled one unlikely event on top of another.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Opinion columnist

“I’m not saying that it’s aliens. But it’s aliens.”

That’s the tagline of a famous internet meme based on Giorgio Tsoukalos’ History channel show, “Ancient Aliens.” But now it seems to be the official United States government line, too.

Just this past week came the latest slow-roll disclosure about UFOs and aliens in The New York Times, which, in the words of tech blog Gizmodo, "casually drops another story about how aliens are probably real.”

There are even reports that the Pentagon has obtained vehicles or parts of vehicles "not made on this Earth," though former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was either misquoted confirming the story or walked back his comments to that effect later.

I’m old enough to remember when speculation about UFOs was limited to the fringe and when respectable figures and publications wouldn’t touch it. But a few months ago, the Navy released UFO videos, and since then more stories keep appearing, suggesting at the very least that the U.S. government is taking the possibility of aliens visiting Earth a lot more seriously than has been the case in the past.  

Life, on other planets? A great possibility

Well, maybe there’s something here and maybe there’s not. It wouldn’t shock me to find that our vast universe harbors other intelligent life, nor would it surprise me to find that just because we don’t know how to travel between the stars yet, others have figured it out.

But what would aliens look like if we met them? Well, there might be some sorts of intelligent life that we’d never contact: Electromagnetic creatures that live on neutron stars, for example, would be extraordinarily difficult to discover or communicate with. But, basically, the more alien species have in common with us, the more likely they are to visit Earth if they’re able to. Carbon-based life forms would be more likely to be interested in planets suitable for carbon-based life; oxygen breathers would be more likely to visit a planet with an oxygen atmosphere, etc.

Star trails along the North Star in Idlib, Syria, on July 18, 2020.

We’re conspicuous enough to anyone who’s looking: Commercial broadcasting has been going on for a hundred years now, meaning that anyone within a volume 200 light years across could find us if they looked. (We haven’t found radio signals from anyone else, but while that might mean there’s no one out there, it might also mean that they’ve advanced beyond the use of radio waves.)

Not even aliens would surprise us

If aliens do come to see us, what are they likely to be like? Well, to get here they have to be at least as intelligent as us. And as Gregg Easterbrook noted in The Atlantic awhile back in 1988, that’s troubling: “The most disquieting aspect of natural selection as observed on Earth is that it channels intellect to predators. Most bright animals are carnivores: Stalking requires tactics, pattern recognition and, for social animals, coordinated action, all incubators of brainpower.”

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And violence. We can hope, of course, that a sufficiently advanced alien civilization might have evolved past violence, though the evidence that our civilization is doing so is not entirely compelling.

Good news from Washington:America's parks are on verge of major improvements

Probably the best we can hope for, if aliens are visiting Earth, is that they’re studying us. And a lot of the encounters may be explained by what some of my science-fiction writer friends call the “graduate student hypothesis”: We’re being studied, but, as on Earth, the big shot scientists leave most of the grubby fieldwork to grad students, who occasionally get bored, or drunk, and decide to have a little fun spooking the natives.

One thing that may have been true when Easterbrook wrote, but that I think is much less so now, is the notion that encountering aliens would be a huge culture shock. There was a time when we took it for granted that humans were alone in the universe at the top of the evolutionary heap — above us were only the angels. But decades of science fiction have surely undermined that. Given the number of alien contact movies in the past few decades, it is more likely that angels visiting Earth would be greeted as aliens than that aliens visiting Earth would be greeted as angels.

A new era:The Space Age is making a comeback, but it's cheaper this time with SpaceX.

Certainly, the surprisingly low-key response to what in the past would have been earthshaking UFO revelations suggests that we’re psychologically ready to handle alien contact without the kind of trauma that might have marked an earlier time. And let’s face it, if they’re coming, 2020 is the perfect year for them to arrive, since it has piled one unlikely event on top of another. From murder hornets to a global pandemic to alien invasion ... it just feels right, somehow.

Welcome to Earth, alien visitors. Watch out for the murder hornets.

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor and the author of "The New School: How the Information Age Will Save American Education from Itself," is a member of USA TODAY's Board of Contributors. 

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Suggested here is for you to fully read above the entire content then engage what you know to be the sources within.  That is the best advice onto you for now.
❝Thank you Oh So Kindly❞ : @GRUWUP 2012 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace


: If you use the replyto: here to return a message to the domain, you will be replying to an ideal and not to any individual person.  Expect no human reply but that does not mean you can't choose your words, ideals, thoughts, and fun to make your responses here known to be become done. It might get a human attention and draw upon a reply in your favor.  ✌
Suggested here is for you to fully read above the entire content then engage what you know to be the sources within.  That is the best advice onto you for now.
❝Thank you Oh So Kindly❞ : @GRUWUP 2012 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

: If you use the replyto: here to return a message to the domain, you will be replying to an ideal and not to any individual person.  Expect no human reply but that does not mean you can't choose your words, ideals, thoughts, and fun to make your responses here known to be become done. It might get a human attention and draw upon a reply in your favor.  ✌
Suggested here is for you to fully read above the entire content then engage what you know to be the sources within.  That is the best advice onto you for now.
❝Thank you Oh So Kindly❞ : @GRUWUP 2012 Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace